Guest Blog: David Cygielman
Today I present words from David Cygielman, our Executive Director:As the Executive Director of the Forest Foundation I see the impact it has on the students and the community. We are seeing students run with ideas that were mere dreams a few months prior. Our weekly trainings give them the education and skill set to turn ideas into reality. The concept of hiring students to turn their great ideas into actual programs is terrific and we see it in the programs they create. By paying them, it turns from volunteering into a job, where they are held accountable for their time. They must learn how to make budgets, create timelines, work with groups, lead meetings and much more. These are all necessary skills for them and they are actually being paid to learn them.
Personally I have gained tremendously. Being mentored by our founder, Morris Squire, is incredible. For an hour every morning I learn insights and perspectives that are brand new to me, coming from a world of experience. Being 23 and managing a multi-million dollar organization with over 25 employees is life experience that cannot be parallel at my age. It is both a tremendous opportunity as well as responsibility to be involved in such a cutting edge organization that brings life to our community.
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