Thursday, February 03, 2005

Guest Blog: David Fingerote

Today David Fingerote, our Director of Development and Distribution and recent graduate of Claremont McKenna College, speaks:

There are many possibilities when it comes to placing artwork in locations that will be regularly seen and David is using them all. There are many coffee shops and restaurants in Santa Barbara that regularly allow artists to exhibit their work for periods of time. The locations that are currently exhibiting the artwork of Morris Bear Squire are: Starbucks, Paoli’s Restaurant, Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Mojo Café, Java Jones, Silvergreen’s, The Jewish Federation of Santa Barbara, Isla Vista Bakery, Oriental Market in Goleta, and Sakura Express sushi restaurant.

The most exciting avenue that the Forest Foundation Art Department is tackling involves community support and activism. The Forest Foundation carries out this vision by hosting art exhibitions in conjunction with local businesses and organizations. These exhibitions feature a number of local artists and are seen as a wonderful opportunity to bring the community together while exposing the up and coming talent present in Santa Barbara. Our vision is to bring positive exposure to local artists and provide them with a knowledge base and resources to market themselves.


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