Friday, January 21, 2005

Guest Blog: Joanna Katz

Today are words written by Joanna Katz, a junior Communication major at UCSB:

I began working with the student outreach team for UCSB Hillel, spending the summer tabling at every orientation session, collecting the names and information of incoming Jewish students, planning and hosting new student dinners for freshmen, delivering personal welcome packages to dorms, and facilitating individual follow-up sessions with students. For me, the most rewarding part of outreach is when you see the students you meet and connect with at more and more events and eventually their faces become staples of the organization. Student outreach is the best job you can have. It's meaningful personally and worthwhile organizationally.

Morris has also been a huge inspiration to me personally as well as professionally for my future career goals. He notices the power of youth to initiate change. At one of our Tuesday night meetings, Morris told us, “We don’t want to be stamp-lickers.” He believes we have the ability to do great things in the community and, as part of the Foundation team, I feel compelled to mirror this concept.


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