TV Stars
Santa Barbara Stew! We just finished taping episodes 5 and 6 of the stew. Aaron Schiff made his television directing debut and he was spectacular. The SB Channels have not seen this kind of talent before and we are all so young!! Martine and her cohosts were asking funny and edgey questions that made the guests come alive. Make sure to check out the show when you get a chance, next week will be with the band Rebelution, and in two weeks we will air our episode on WORMS!!
Channel 17
Mondays at 9:30 am
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Fridays at 8 pm
Saturdays at 11 am
Whoops! Sorry everybody, I forgot to post my blog yesterday, but I do have a good excuse- my internet was all freaky. Anyway, over the weekend I was lucky enough to spend three days that absolutely flew by at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur. I had such a great time it's hard to put in words. The property is absolutely beautiful, the food amazing, and the group I was with really bonded better than anyone could have expected. I feel rejuvenated and full of energy since I've gotten back, and I'm looking to carry that through the next few months. It was the right trip at the right time.
Deep Thoughts
My thought of the day is about motivation. I am doing a study (and i use the term loosly) about what motivates people. Specifically I am trying to figure out why I interview students who want to be Program Directors but then they don't take the time to fill out the applications. I sent a survey out to a bunch of the people I interviewed (and probably would have hired) to get some feedback. Still awaiting the responses.
I have 3 interviews on Thursday so I'm trying to prepare myself for them. At first I considered the idea that some people just may not want to work for the foundation, which is fine; however most of the students I have met with very much want to work for foundation. I do realize it's a tough time of year and that the application takes time but I hope in the end that taking the hour or two to fill out the application becomes a proiority.
In the Field

Hello, hello.
It's been a while since last post, but put down the phone, no need to call the Blogge cops. My team and I have been slaving away during Passover crunching for Jewish College Night, our biggest, most involved let's say, event of the year. In just a matter of 2 days, we've sold out 150 seats on a bus, and were almost forced to charter another bus. Well, not forced. We enjoy working hard. Keeps us on our toes. The picture to your left is from our retreat, which somehow seems like ages ago. The Foundation is a very dynamic business: most, if not nearly all of our staff is still in college. (The rest of us just tend to act like were still enrolled). Preparations are well underway for next year, cultivating our leaders and looking forward to the future. we have a lot of seniors and im already feeling down that they're leaving. although conversely, you gotta be out with the old to bring in the new.
The thought of the day is on motivation. What motivates you? Is it an internal drive to succeed? Does your motivation come from the people in your life like your friends, coworkers, or loved ones? Or is it an external force like a boss, a mentor, or a teacher. Whatever it is that motivates you, recognize it and utilize it, in fact exploit it.
Inspiration is all around you, just open your eyes.
94 degrees and it's only April
It's a beautiful day outside and the warm weather isn't so bad until you think about the fact that it's only going to get hotter. April's not really even summer yet. We have months (approximately 5) of super hot and humid weather to come. But I can't complain (well, I actually can and am) because I would prefer this to months of cold weather any day.
Anyway...I just had a great meeting at Tulane Hillel. I will be moving my office there within the next few weeks. I think we'll be working on some projects together and will be able to provide great resources for each other. I also have a conference call this evening to go over the details for our third Beautify Lakeview which will take place this Saturday. In the meantime I'm trying to work out my summer plans and figure out why all the emails I send to anyone at Tulane keep getting bounced back to me. I thought maybe one or two of the addresses was wrong but after getting 10 (literally) different emails returned to me I'm pretty sure it's their problem and not mine.
The Stew
The Santa Barbara Stew was amazing yesterday. For those reading this that don't know what that is, it is the Forest Foundation's first ever television program. This show was created by Martine Beerman who has put in a ton of sweat and tears to create a show that is getting better and better each episode. The show we taped yesterday, which will air in two weeks, features the sex interns of UCSB. These two students promote safe sex and STD awareness to students and the hosts of the show had a great time with them. I also want to give a shout out to James who directed the show yesterday. It was his directing debut, but he stepped up to the challenge and he felt great about it.
Martine, you are doing great work!!
Back to work
I missed writing to you these past two weeks while I was away. I feel I've neglected you but hope that you can forgive me- I'm now back in full force. Spain was wonderful though, in case you were wondering.
Anyway back in New Orleans and things are going well. We had another Beautify Lakeview Clean Up on Saturday filled with Sorority Girls and Inmates. Made for a good time. I felt left out of course because I was not wearing Greek letters or orange pants.
Today I am starting to try to figure out my summer plans and what will be going on with Forest Foundation New Orleans in the next couple of months. Also planning a trip back out to sunny Santa Barbara! Have a good day-
I started studying for the LSAT on Saturday, to take the test in June, so wish me luck.
Today was another day devoted to the marketing packet that Aaron and I have been working on. Considering how neither of us has attempted a project like this before, I think we're doing much much better than one would suspect. I give us five gold stars. One of the more interesting things about the project has been how much I'm enjoying it; maybe this kind of work is something I should look into. It's been a pleasent surprise.
Moishe House in LA

Thursday is my day to blog. I've been very bad. But exciting things have been happening - a week and a half ago I ventured from the foggy city of San Francisco into the hazy sunshine of Los Angeles and was greeted by the guys (and female dog) of what is now Moishe House Los Angeles.
From left to right, Lee Levin, Hannah Levin (the female dog), Dave Eagle and Nathaniel Auerbach make up the exciting group in West Hollywood that hosted me that Thursday evening to an incredible pasta dish, fresh sald with mozarella, a dynamic table full of wonderful friends and an heart-warming ceremony surrounding the posting of the mezuzah on its newly rented front door.
The hopes are high for the newest member of Moishe House and all are encouraged to stop by when they have the chance. To learn more about the opportunities to engage in this group's "brisket-offs", passover seders, poker nights, Soprano viewings and more - check out or drop them an email at
The good times are just beginning - l'chaim!!!
- Isaac
New Orleans
I just got back from an incredible trip to New Orleans. I had the privelage of meeting with the two program directors out there who are doing there part to build community in an area that has been ravaged by natural disaster. There are entire communities in New Orleans that were literaly pulvarized by the storm. There homes are now piles of woodchips behind a couple of cement steps that did not get destroyed. But the people of New Orleans love their city and are coming back bringing the best and worst of any city back with them. The music, the food, and and antics are above par, what a wonderful town.
In the Field
A few of the full timers just returned from PLP, the Professional Leaders Project with a mission of training the next generation of Jewish leaders. It was an exciting conference that truly gave me a sense of purpose, and placed the Forest Foundation in more of a global setting. We are a Foundation in a sea of Foundations and organizations. It was gratifying to know though, that we are becoming noticed and recognized for our innovation and abilities. The Moishe House is breaking new ground and making history as a new way of reaching Jews. Our Program Directorships and system of training future leaders is being implemented in other various organizations. We've been going at it for a few years, and already others' our following in our footsteps.
It's Raining Very Hard
Well, I hope that wherever you are reading this blog right now that your weather is significantly nicer than what we're experiencing here in Santa Barbara. It has been POURING all day today. Aaron sent out the new edition of the Flash to inboxes everywhere, so don't miss my article in it. The article's focus is on just about the best subject I could think of: me. If you don't get it in your inbox, be sure to read it off our website. You won't regret it - it's just another opportunity for us to get to know each other better.