Monday, October 23, 2006

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, the SB Apples n Honey was really Coo (slang for cool)

I can officially confirm the truths about the rumors that UCSB is a party school. I will first say that UCSB is rated as the top 3 UC academically, which makes us (even though I am an alumni) pretty damn smart. BUT we do know how to PARTY (especially us Jews)!

Oct. 4th 2006 was the craziest most creative party at the three story club Q’s in downtown SB. It was the infamous APPLES N HONEY party. Throughout the night, members from the foundation walked around with a camera asking people what they would do to change the world. The responses ranged from, “Roses are red, Violets are blue. I’m having fun and so should you!” to “feed all the homeless people”. Small and two of my Program Directors (Oscar and Aaron Schiff) rocked the mic outside the club attracting all the young college students.

The total amount of people that entered the club PAID was 390. Which means there were approximately 400 people that filled the club. It was a huge success. I must say that I was extremely nervous when it was 10:00 and only 15 people were in the club. But I failed to remember that college students love to make fashionably late entrances. Nevertheless the event was incredible.

In a recent flash article, Jessi Cazary (the event planner) commented, “A specific point in the night that really struck me was when we initiated the miracle. I’ll be honest, originally I was a little apprehensive about the whole miracle thing and thought it would seem a little too corny for the event I had envisioned. Yet once I made my way up to the DJ booth that night, my worries had disappeared. I asked everyone to turn to the person next to him or her and share what he or she is looking forward to for this New Year. I believe that this was an opportunity for the attendees of this event to bring something inside of them out and make it a reality just as I had done with Apples ‘N’ Honey.”

Apples n Honey SB 2006 was a night to remember…since we are all about creating memories here at the foundation; I can say without hesitation, these memories will last a lifetime…



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