Friday, September 01, 2006


This week with the foundation all the full time staff in SB began meeting in our new office at Morris’s house. The first couple of meetings had a more serious tone and had most of us wondering, “What the hell is going on?” Actually, the “what the hell is going on?” question still remains and lingers in the back of my head when talking to Morris. However, half way through the week the serious tone disappeared and some and I MEAN SOME of Morris’s visions became clear. The meetings now include Aaron laughing until he pees or cries, which ever comes first, all of us cracking jokes and Morris making at least 5 outrageous comments that will guarantee at least a smile.
In our meeting today we talked about “tits n ass” which turned into “tucas n ass” (Yiddish word for ass), which turned into “tits n tucas (TNT)”. Morris proposes we make a Magazine called TNT with nude people with great articles and sell it. This is just one outrageous idea that Morris proposed.
Later today I went by Morris to give Sedo a wireless device in order to make the Internet work in our office. He started talking to me about TNT the magazine and asked me to start figuring out how to find a publisher and create this idea. He wanted there to be art in it and most importantly have naked bodies. Actually, the most important thing was really good articles that people will read. I chuckled to myself, thinking that’s there is no way to sell a magazine with naked people, art and good articles in bookstores (which he included as a most).
However, I have learned this week that Morris throws his crazy uncensored ideas our way and it is up to us to think about it and create it. I already learned, being in the foundation for almost 2 years now, that ANYTHING is possible. I can make my dreams reality. Now I am being pushed to be more creative every day.
Make sure you keep your eye out for TNT; it will probably be on shelves Fall 2007. Actually, Morris will probably make me have it done my next week. I hope you enjoy it!
-Morgan (regional director/publisher)


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