Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Deep Thoughts

My thought of the day is about motivation. I am doing a study (and i use the term loosly) about what motivates people. Specifically I am trying to figure out why I interview students who want to be Program Directors but then they don't take the time to fill out the applications. I sent a survey out to a bunch of the people I interviewed (and probably would have hired) to get some feedback. Still awaiting the responses.
I have 3 interviews on Thursday so I'm trying to prepare myself for them. At first I considered the idea that some people just may not want to work for the foundation, which is fine; however most of the students I have met with very much want to work for foundation. I do realize it's a tough time of year and that the application takes time but I hope in the end that taking the hour or two to fill out the application becomes a proiority.


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