Yom Kippur...
Hello everyone out there in the FF world and social changespace.
last week marked Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. I love this time of year. It provokes much needed thought, self-reflection and a general feeling of groundness, if that's a word. Okay, maybe feeling centered is better. On Sunday night many Jews will fast for about 25 hours, yes, that means no food or water at all.
According to tradition, on Yom Kippur, Jews become undergoe a systemic transformation from regular human being to an actual angel, a true servant of God. We are clean, empty and free of materialistic desires and substances. Food is no longer of value to us, an interference and impediment to clarity and acceptance. It's quite an experience - the fast. Eventually, the pain and discomfort caused by an empty stomach turns to an a settling numbness, and that's where the true magic of Yom Kippur, for me at least, begins to take effect. It's as if my mind is a car that's desperately trying to get somewhere, but it's got trouble starting. And the engine starts to rumble only after I drain the vehicle of all oil, gas, and water. But the passenger is always there. I wanted to wish you all a happy Jewish New Year and an awesome fast.
Out of this world... or at least this country
Matt, Refael and Ibrahim of the Montevideo, Uruguay Jewish community pose here with big smiles on their face as their community welcomes in the newest Moishe House. Forest Foundation exec David Cygielman travelled to Montevideo along with two other South American cities to help them get started on their Apples 'N Honey party last year
when Montevideo turned $1,000 into a community party that drew over 1,500 people. This began a beautiful relationship which has now blossomed into the home of American service representative Matthew Hollander and Israeli representatives Roi Elrom, Refael Elon and Zev (just Zev) - the fearless foursome holding down Moishe House Montevideo.
The group has already begun programming in the house with Hebrew lessons, English lessons, Shofar lessons, a dinner with traditional Israeli and Turkish foods and much much more to come. The gang also helped support a hillel program that tried to simulate American Idol called "Operation Hatzlajah" where over 600 people came out to see 8 participants duke it out for a trip to Israel - each participant, backed by a live band, had to sing 3 songs; one in English, one in Spanish and one in Hebrew. The crew is also planning a break-fast for Monday which will double as their housewarming party. So, if you're in the neighborhood feel free to stop by.
Keep an eye out for Moishe Houses in Washington D.C., the East Bay of Northern California, and Abuja, Nigeria as well; which will all be starting in October. The good times just keep on getting gooder.
Happy New Year! Shana Tova!
- Isaac
Hello there!
Just wanted to drop you all a note and let you know that I (they call me Julia) am the newest member of the Forest Foundation, assistant to the illustrious and notorious Mr. Isaac Zones. In a nutshell, I'm a San Francisco native, schooled in Chicago, lover of good food, tea-drinking, romance languages and Radiohead, a major Virgo, a cook and a waitress, etcetera, etcetera. We've got lots of fun things lined up to work on for the Moishe House program, which I think is a brilliant program all around. I'm so excited about the Forest Foundation. I've been on the lookout for someone kind and wise and brave enough to support young people as a real and working part of the world. It seems like it would go without saying that the young adult community should be encouraged by all those wacky grownups to explore its power and identity... unfortunately it's usually not so easy. I'm really pleased to become a part of a company that believes in the potential of my generation. I think we're awfully cool and smart and fun and sweet, and I believe that we can do a lot. I hope to be meeting some of you soon -- happy indian summer, all!
D.C. is for LOVERS
Moishe House is coming back from the summer with a bang! The last arrangements are being made to move forward with Moishe House in our nation's capitol as well as Oakland, California; Montevideo, Uruguay and more to be named soon. Four young men from the Los Angeles area grew up as friends, attended college at California Berkeley together and have now moved to Washington together. They're going to hone their abilities at gathering Jewish community and bring the young Jewish adult scene into their circle.
It's always exciting here in the world of Moishe as we prepare to hire our second staff member, begin preparations for the first retreat and move closer to having our very own website.
- isaac
This week with the foundation all the full time staff in SB began meeting in our new office at Morris’s house. The first couple of meetings had a more serious tone and had most of us wondering, “What the hell is going on?” Actually, the “what the hell is going on?” question still remains and lingers in the back of my head when talking to Morris. However, half way through the week the serious tone disappeared and some and I MEAN SOME of Morris’s visions became clear. The meetings now include Aaron laughing until he pees or cries, which ever comes first, all of us cracking jokes and Morris making at least 5 outrageous comments that will guarantee at least a smile.
In our meeting today we talked about “tits n ass” which turned into “tucas n ass” (Yiddish word for ass), which turned into “tits n tucas (TNT)”. Morris proposes we make a Magazine called TNT with nude people with great articles and sell it. This is just one outrageous idea that Morris proposed.
Later today I went by Morris to give Sedo a wireless device in order to make the Internet work in our office. He started talking to me about TNT the magazine and asked me to start figuring out how to find a publisher and create this idea. He wanted there to be art in it and most importantly have naked bodies. Actually, the most important thing was really good articles that people will read. I chuckled to myself, thinking that’s there is no way to sell a magazine with naked people, art and good articles in bookstores (which he included as a most).
However, I have learned this week that Morris throws his crazy uncensored ideas our way and it is up to us to think about it and create it. I already learned, being in the foundation for almost 2 years now, that ANYTHING is possible. I can make my dreams reality. Now I am being pushed to be more creative every day.
Make sure you keep your eye out for TNT; it will probably be on shelves Fall 2007. Actually, Morris will probably make me have it done my next week. I hope you enjoy it!
-Morgan (regional director/publisher)