Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Our Goal

Here at the Forest Foundation, we talk a lot about what our basic goal is: to make the world a better place. Well, that's a great first step and idealic goal, but it is nonetheless very general and vague. So it's always good to refresh ourselves on how exactly we're going to accomplish this goal. Therefore, how do we do it? Essentially, we accomplish this goal in a basic two-fold process:

1) We hire, train, and supervise college students to develop and run community programs, and
2) The students in turn work for the benefit of the community, both now and hopefully into the future.

Of course, it's a liitle more complex than this, but that's a fairly accurate basic outling of how we make the world a little better. To put it in a cliche way, we're teaching students how to fish, so that they can feed their community for a lifetime. We're a foundation with a vision, to accomplish our goal now and well into the future.



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