Guest Blog: Katie Maynard
Today I present words from another of our new fellows, Katie Maynard:The Forest Foundation has enabled me to develop a training program for Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP) at UCSB. ESLP is a student-initiated, student-led effort to empower undergraduates to design their own courses around the concept of sustainability. This effort allows students to engage themselves and students around them in projects which will give back to both the campus and broader community while developing relationships with administration, staff, faculty, other students, and community members. ESLP is still in its early stages and has been limited to training through one on one work between myself and the students.
It has been essential to have the Forest Foundation’s support through this process not only in terms of the stipend which they offer, but also in terms of the mentorship and skills trainings which they provide. In the past, I have relied on training myself and bringing in trainers from other cities in order to develop the skills that are essential for my work. This is a time consuming and often expensive process, draining the resources of myself and ESLP. The Forest Foundation has offered a wonderful gift by setting up these trainings for the fellows and even paying us to attend them.
Furthermore, the Forest Foundation Staff has been wonderful in offering support in grant-writing and advice on project development. Learning about grant writing from a professional fundraiser in a one on one setting is irreplaceable and is well beyond what ESLP would have the resources to supply without the support of the foundation. I am very glad to have this opportunity and am excited to continue working with and learning from the other fellows and staff of the foundation.
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