Thursday, February 24, 2005


Production on our play Yashiya is carrying on this week. Tomorrow, we will have our first full read through on the script that Jordan and I have been working on for the entirety of the week. I'm really excited about it. The play is night and day from what it was at the beginning of the week. Really funny, and Jordan and I have been having a blast writing it. Honestly, I feel as if this play could go places. Naturally, it needs a good deal more tweaking, but the idea is an original take on an old institution and the action is a mix of genres that ultimately has an appealing message. We heard the music today, as well, and like the dialogue, it's a long way from where it used to be. It's so fulfilling to see your hardwork coming together like it is in Yashiya. I can't wait for the finished product and see what we can do next with it.


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