Clean Up
We had our 4th Beautify Lakeview clean up project this weekend. This has been an incredible successful project! Not that it's over, I'm just saying....
In Uptown New Orleans (where I live and where Tulane is) life is mostly back to "normal". For the most part things are reopened, people have returned home and the trash gets picked up fairely regulary. Certainly some of our favorite restaurants have decided not to come back, we still don't have recycling and everything closes earlier than it used to but things look and feel as they should. Taking the time to clean up in Lakeview every other week gives us all a reality check that areas of the city are still in really bad shape. REALLY BAD SHAPE. Sorry not trying to be dramatic but it's been almost ten months and there are neighborhoods that are still really desolate. It will take years for them to return to any sort of normalcy. Oh and we had our election this weekend (run off actually). Should be interesting in the months to come.
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