Thursday, August 04, 2005

Isaac begins work

Well, I'm officially on my third day of work here at the Forest Foundation. It's been a whirlwind following around Dave and Jordan, listening in on meetings, role-playing meetings etc. What's stood out most about my initial days here with the foundation is that I stay busy all day time-lining, meeting new people and asking new question after new question - before I know it it's after midnight and I'm exhausted. Completely different than the 9 to 5 job I endured all of last year, it's difficult to tell which parts of my day are work, which parts are play and which parts are somewhere in between. What I am sure of is that I've been engaged in everything I've been apart of from the beginning of my day through the end. It's been very exciting to take in each component of what makes the foundation go but with each project I learn about, each meeting, each new piece of information I get that much more anxious to meet with the Program Directors in the Bay Area and get going. I can't wait.


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