Tuesday, December 21, 2004

A Look Back

So, the first quarter of the school year at UCSB has come to end, and with so many year-end reviews coming out at this time of year anyway, I thought we should take a look back at what was accomplished this past Fall quarter. Kicking off the quarter, we held our first open community celebration at B'nai B'rith, the Jewish New Year's Celebration. That, of course, was backed up and improved upon with our recently held Chanukah Party at B'nai B'rith. We also helped oversee the formation of the Jewish Student Union at Dos Pueblos High School, providing lunch for their inaugural meeting and serving as an advisory body. Our involvement with SBORTY continued, overseeing the High School Overnight at B'nai B'rith. Two of our Fellows created new popular campus organizations at UCSB, the Jewish Ladies Society and the Jewish Business League. We sponsored the development of fatherhood workshops to be held at B'nai B'rith. The Hillel Outreach team successfully reached at to very large numbers of freshman over the summer and continue to achieve great things with their coffee dates and innovative Outreach methods. The list could go on, but you get the idea. The Forest Foundation managed to achieve many goals at an alarming pace during UCSB's Fall quarter, and that was just our initial run. Just wait until next quarter, the list will go on and on.


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