Community Support 2
Yesterday, I posted some quotes on our work from different community members. Today, I thought I'd post quotes from some of our student Fellows:"The most rewarding part of outreach is when you see the students you meet and connect to at more and more events and eventually their faces also become staples of the organization."
-Joanna Katz
“After being involved in the Forest Foundation for a couple months I realized that I wanted to take a leadership role in a program which I had a vested interest. The forest foundation has provided me the tools to create a program which, I believe is beneficial not only to the people involved but also the entire Jewish community.”/ “The Forest Foundation has in many ways changed the paradigm through which I view myself. It helped me to become more active, and realize my full potential, while inspiring me to grow as a person and showing me the value of community. Not only do I consider the Forest Foundation an amazing job and opportunity for college students, but I truly believe in it. I hope some day to be able to contribute to a foundation created on the same principles.”
-Kevin Sherman
"The Hanukah party was a HUGE sucess! The food was scrumptious as usual, Latkes, Fish, Pear Salad, steamed veggies, and cookies for desert were enjoyed by all. The Kapoera show had incredible energy, and kept everyone entertained. Kareoke was also a sucess as usual, and was especially popular amongst the teenagers. The party concluded with the children recieveing specialized age appropriate gifts courtesy of the foundation."
-Hannah Laiken
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