I love baseball. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I live and breath it, particularly Angels baseball. I'll be honest with you - when the Angels won the World Series two years ago, it was definitely one of the top three happiest and most significant moments in my life. It's weird when you hope for something so passionately and for so long, and after so many setbacks and defeats and "wait-till-next-years," that when you finally get that something you feel. . .you feel what? Elated? Relieved? Vindicated? Empowered? I guess you would call the feeling a combination of all those emotions, but it's something more, too. You feel like the whole world shrinks all around you, just for a second. That from where you sit you can see it all, from Antartica to Australia to Egypt and everwhere in between, and everything you have ever wanted is known to you there for that split second. And then everything explodes and shatters into so many millions of tiny pieces that it should break your heart, except all you feel is an overwhelming sense of contentment because you know what all those tiny pieces are, you know what it all represents and why you hoped for so long while the odds were against you. Sure, this all sounds pretty lofty when we're talking about baseball, but if you still think I'm talking about baseball then you've missed the point.
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