Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Apples N Honey Tonight at Q's

Tonight marks the first party the Forest Foundation will be sponsoring around the world. Apples N Honey, our international celebrations celebrating the Jewish new year, kicks off tonight at Q's Sushi A-Go-Go in Santa Barbara. Joanna Katz, Hannah Laiken, and others have been working hard to publicize the event and make it a no holds barred blow-out, and tonight we'll be able to see the fruits of their labor. All the pieces are in place, and judging from the response I've heard around town, this should be one hell of a party. After tonight, there will be Apples N Honey celebrations in countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. If you're in the Santa Barbara area tonight, and in the mood to get festive, I encourage you to come out to Q's. You won't be disappointed.



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